Programming Schedule now available!
We have populated the calendar through the end of the season. Check out all of the opportunities there are to get involved and get outside.
Nature For Kids & Parents: Tracking Tales
| 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Boyd Lake State Park
| Registration Required
Restoration - Mixed Ages
Join us for a Nature Walk Wednesdays throughout the summer. We will feature a different talk each week.
Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.
General InfoRebekah Zulauf
(506) 814-7279
Registration Info
Leader/Volunteer Info
Jane V - Naturalist Assistants
I have been a Naturalist since 2005 and a Colorado Native Plant Master since 2011. I love leading hikes and presenting programs for Boulder Residents. Although I am semi-retired, I still teach ecology and entomology at Colorado College in Colorado Springs and I volunteer part-time. I grew up and went to school in the Southeast part of the US but have taught biology in Colorado for over 30 years.
Activity Contact
(506) 814-7279