Programming Schedule now available!
We have populated the calendar through the end of the season. Check out all of the opportunities there are to get involved and get outside.
Get Involved: PROSE
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Elections. Volunteer today!
Bird Walk Leader
Lead bi-weekly Bird Walks. Bird Walks are on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Seeking volunteers who are comfortable identifying birds by sight and can lead one or two bird walks per month on a fixed schedule; however, flexible scheduling may be an option.
Community Stewards
The Community Stewards Program works to empower community members to take action, encourage resilience through volunteerism, and increase the health of the community. The program consists of three “Adopt-A” style programs where individuals or groups commit to maintaining designated sections of trails, roadways, or stream sections by removing litter, invasive species, stream blocking woody vegetation and debris.
Community Steward Volunteers may request supplies for any of their coordinated clean-up efforts. They must submit a request for supplies at least two weeks prior to any clean-up effort. The following supplies are available for “check-out”:
- Safety vests
- Disposable gloves
- Trash pickers
- Trash and recycling bags
- 5-gallon buckets
- Small hand tools such as loppers or hand shears.
Key Responsibilities
- Remove invasive plant species, woody debris and litter from the stream channel and report items too large for removal such large branches, mattresses, shopping carts, small furniture, etc... Items too large for removal are items that the volunteers do not feel comfortable to remove or do not have the means to transport.
- Tracking impacts by recording the number of bags of trash and invasive plant species removed. Submit photos of volunteer efforts
- Current reporting form (Stream Steward Reporting Page (
- Remove litter from adopted section and report if there are items too large for removal such as mattresses, shopping carts, or small furniture.
- Report cleanup activities through email (Number of trash/recycling bags, participants, hours spent on the cleanup and photos).
- Remove litter from adopted section of the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS) and report if there are items too large for removal such as mattresses, shopping carts, or small furniture.
- Report cleanup activities l (Number of trash/recycling bags, participants, hours spent on the cleanup and photos).
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Ready to get involved?
Entry Station Attendant
Greet park visitors at the park's first point of contact and collect park entry fees. Must be friendly, patient, and willing to answer basic visitor questions about the park and surrounding Sedona area.
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Ready to get involved?
Open Space Steward
The responsibilities of an Open Space Steward include submitting Open Space land use concerns, participating in Open Space Stewardship events, and reporting rules and regulations violations. An Open Space Steward is required to provide at least 20 hours of service per calendar year. The position involves hiking on uneven surfaces and trails of varying elevation gain. Service projects may involve lifting and other more strenuous activities. Stewards act as representatives of the City of Flagstaff Open Space Program and engage with the public when appropriate.
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Ready to get involved?
School Program
Share your knowledge and love of nature with the next generation. Kindergarten through 8th grade students are offered field trips on subjects like geology, wildlife, archeology and insects.